«Promoting internationalization of research through establishment and operationalization of Cycle 3 Quality Assurance System in line with the European Integration (C3QA)»

On August, 26, 2019 a Skype conference in the framework of the project Erasmus Mundus «Promotion of the internationalization of research through the establishment and functioning of quality assurance system of the third cycle in line with European agenda for integration (C3QA)» was held. A discussion of the final issues on the project was on the agenda.
All project partners from Kazakhstan: Independent Agency for quality assurance in education (IQAA), the Ministry of education and science of the Republic of Kazakhstan, M. Auezov South-Kazakhstan University and the KazGUU University, as well as the main international project coordinator - Vice-rector of French University in Armenia (UFAR) Arayik Navoyan participated in the event.
During the Skype conference, participants discussed such important issues as preparation of final documentation, organization of dissemination events, the final conference in Yerevan on the results of the project, as well as other organizational issues.
The project implementation schedule and other additional information are available on the official website of the C3QA project.