International conference of experts on quality assessment in education
May 27, 2019
Nur-Sultan, Kazakhstan

On May 27, 2019, the Independent Quality Assurance Agency in Education (IQAA) held an International Conference of Experts on Quality Assessment in Education at the Kazakh National University of Arts.
Over 110 people took part in the international conference including heads of universities and colleges, heads of departments for accreditation and quality assurance, deans, teachers, students and foreign experts.
At the course of the conference Professor, candidate of technical Sciences, Head of the «Chemical technology of inorganic substances» Department at M. Auezov South Kazakhstan State University Galina Seitmagzimova presented on the topic «The Experience of the University's participation in the external audit within the frames of accreditation of doctoral programs in accordance with standards developed in the framework of the Erasmus+ project (C3QA)».
Additional information and materials of the conference can be found on the official IQAA website at the following link:
The provided materials on accreditation of SKSU at the IQAA International conference on May 27, 2019 on the project website.