Consultative monitoring of the Erasmus+ project "promoting internationalization of
research through establishment and operationalization of cycle 3 quality assurance system
in line with the european integration" C3QA.
On July 2, 2019, the consultative monitoring of the Erasmus + project “Promoting the internationalization of research through the establishment and operation of the cycle 3 quality assurance system in accordance with the European Integration Agenda (C3QA)”, funded by the European Commission, was held at the IQAA.

During the monitoring project participants from Kazakhstan - IQAA, M.Narikbaev KAZGUU University, M.Auezov South Kazakhstan State University - performed their presentations on the delieverables within the framework of the C3QA project.
National Erasmus + office in Kazakhstan presented by Nelly Asmatullayeva familiarized participants with the goals and objectives of monitoring, which are identifying successful practices and providing recommendations for further work within the project. Evaluation of the project efficiency is carried out on the basis of 4 parameters: project implementation; impact and sustainability; partnership and collaboration; relevance of the project objectives.
An overview of the IQAA work in the framework of the C3QA project was presented by IQAA President, Professor Sholpan Kalanova. During her speech she noted that according to the results of the pilot accreditation of the M.Auezov South Kazakhstan State University doctoral program "Chemical technology of inorganic substances" received a certificate of accreditation for a period of 5 years. M.Narikbaev KAZGUU University conducted only pilot accreditation. Self-assessment reports and report on external review are presented on the IQAA project website
Project coordinator Professor Navoyan A. gave a presentation on the goals and achieved results of the project via Skype.

Interim results of the M.Narikbaev KAZGUU University were represented by Miras Daulenov. Bakhytgul Abdizhapparova made a presentation about activities held in the M.Auezov South Kazakhstan State University.
According to the work packages Nelly Asmatullayeva conducted the survey of participants on the results of the C3QA project:
- Capacity building;
- Implementation of the developed EQA and IQA systems for cycle 3 programs;
- Quality Control and Monitoring;
- Dissemination and Sustainability;
- Project Management.
After the presentation of the reports, the project participants together with members of the the National Team of Higher Education Reform Experts (HEREs) in Kazakhstan – Aida Sagintayeva and Darkhan Akhmed-Zaki discussed the strengths and weaknesses of the project. In general, the National Erasmus + office in Kazakhstan, represented by Nelly Asmatullaeva gave a positive evaluation of the results of the C3QA project. The final monitoring report will be prepared within a month. The monitoring materials can be found following this link: